CDC’s Updated Immunization Schedule: What ChildPlus Users Need to Know


With vaccine-preventable diseases, like measles and Hepatitis A, causing outbreaks around the United States, the CDC has updated their recommended immunization calendar in order to promote vaccination.

Each year, the CDC releases updated immunization calendars so parents and care providers always have the most valid and up-to-date vaccine information. At ChildPlus, we highly recommend reviewing this calendar and checking your state laws and recommendations to see what immunizations your children need in order to attend public school, and other child care programs.

Many states are implementing strict laws to ensure children are fully vaccinated. For instance, in June, New York lawmakers voted to end religious exemptions for immunizations, sparking intense backlash from numerous families.

Other states have also adopted this policy, including Mississippi, California, Arizona, West Virginia, and Maine. The Daily Mississippian states, “Mississippi, often a punchline in state-to-state comparisons, has the highest vaccination rate among school-age children.” Also, before children can enter any child care facility in Mississippi, students are required seven separate vaccines.

With such strict laws becoming more prevalent in the United States, it’s vital that immunization records are properly updated and maintained. Thankfully, ChildPlus Software makes it incredibly easy to update immunization schedules.

Follow this easy guide to learn how to properly adjust your agency’s immunization records in ChildPlus:

Setup > Module Setup > Immunization

From the “Immunization” screen, users can completely customize their immunization data entry screen in ChildPlus to match their state’s requirements. For instance, users can adjust the field names, the order the vaccines appear, and also the number of doses required for each vaccine.

For more information regarding the CDC’s vaccine recommendations, visit their site.

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